Category Archives: Nov 2017

299 Limbanak confirmands urged to bear fruit

LIMBANAK – Archbishop John Wong urged the 299 newly confirmed to go and bear fruit in being true witnesses of Christ.

The candidates were conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation by Abp Wong on 10 Oct 2017 at St Aloysius Church here.

Reminding them that they have received the most important gift in their life, he encouraged them to make good use of the gift they have received to grow deeper in their faith, and be awakened to a sense of belonging by participating actively in their respective parish or outstation community.

The church was packed to capacity to accommodate additional faithful who came especially to witness the confirmation of candidates who could not receive the sacrament due to flash floods on Sept 29 at St Michael’s Church.

The candidates came from zones encompassing Penampang, Kinarut, Limbanak, Sugud, Kolopis and Sukang-Madpai.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Papar-Limbahau delegates share how AMOS-3 broadens their minds on migrant ministry

Abp Wong (with dark glasses) and Dominic Lim (2nd from R) pose with the Papar delegates at the AMOS-3 conference held, 21-23 Sept 2017 in Sandakan.

PAPAR – Some of the Papar and Limbahau delegates to the recent AMOS-3 conference shared on how the conference has broadened their minds on the migrant ministry.

Present at the 21-23 Sept 2017 conference in Sandakan were five delegates from Papar and six from Limbahau.

Papar has a significant population of migrant parishioners mainly from Indonesia and some from the Philippines.

William Charles Mindus spoke about the importance of eradicating negative perception towards migrants.

He lamented that because the migrants are being perceived as a threat, they are, in many instances, being alienated in pastoral activities.

“We need to soften our hearts and open the eyes of our heart to imitate Jesus Christ in His humility and mercy towards the poor and marginalised,” said Mindus.

Recalling that Mary, Joseph and Jesus were once migrants in the land of the Gentiles, and so did the early missionaries in foreign land, “we need to remind ourselves of the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church on how to treat others fairly and justly, especially migrants irrespective of their racial and religious backgrounds,” he added.

Mindus also reminded lay and church leaders to foster solidarity and inclusiveness in all aspects of the Church ministries: choir, youth, warden, women’s league, BECs (KKD), etc instead of reserving the migrant brothers and sisters to serve only during Migrant Sunday or on special occasions.

Mary Jimit shared that prior to AMOS-3 she was somewhat blurred on what AMOS is all about, and even unsure of her role in the PHDC.

AMOS-3 helped her to realise God’s calling and enable her to grasp the objective and the vast scope of migrant ministry.  She opined that the conference had instilled an awareness within her to touch others through the migrant ministry, and so to begin to ‘walk the talk’ the social teaching of the Church.

She hoped to serve in the PHDC more from an understanding of it as Christ’s mission, not only in the migrant ministry, but also in other pastoral ministries as well.

Imelda Hayon reckoned that AMOS is part of her personal struggle as a Catholic serving in St Joseph Church.

She expressed her hope that the ministry members would serve in unity and share with others what they have learnt and experienced during the conference.

Sylvester Joseph commented that this conference was his second exposure, and shared that AMOS has created awareness in him in the migrant ministry, and to accept the migrant brothers and sisters as part of the church community.

He hoped that both parishes could always collaborate and contribute toward unity in migrant ministry and PHDC-related activities.

Though Limbahau parish rarely sees a high influx of migrant parishioners compared to Papar parish, he still envisioned the need to develop the migrant ministry by involving the migrant members in various pastoral activities such as rosary prayers and the BECs.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu


KEUSKUPAN SANDAKAN – Setiap tahun Tim Komisi Kerasulan Belia Keuskupan Sandakan akan mengadakan program ‘turun padang’ sekali dalam setahun untuk melawat,  mengadakan program dan beramah mesra dengan para belia setempat. Lawatan ini merupakan satu program kerjasama dengan Tim Kerasulan Belia Paroki diseluruh Keuskupan Sandakan termasuk Misi Paitan.

Pada tahun ini, program ‘turun padang’ mempunyai misi yang penting iaitu membantu Bapa Suci Paus Fransiskus untuk mengumpul seberapa banyak suara-suara para belia menerusi pengisian borang soal selidik melalui pautan Suara – suara belia ini akan dikumpulkan bersama dengan suara – suara belia seluruh dunia untuk dijadikan ‘kompas’ bagi Bapa Suci dan para Uskup seluruh dunia dalam Synod on Youth yang akan diadakan pada October 2018 di Roma.

Berikut merupakan perjalanan program yang telah dijalankan bermula pada 14 Oktober sehingga 12 November 2017 :

Tempat Lawatan  Tarikh
St. Martin – Paroki Telupid 14-15 Oktober 2017
St. Francis Of Assisi, Sukang – Misi Paitan 21-22 Oktober 2017
Holy Trinity – Paroki Tawau 4-5 November 2017
St. Mary – Paroki Sandakan 5 November 2017
St. Paul, Ulu Dusun – Paroki Beluran 5 November 2017
St. Nicholas, Tampenau – Paroki Lahad Datu 10-12 November 2017
St. Mark – Paroki Sandakan 12 November 2017
Our Lady Of Fatima – Paroki Beluran 12 November 2017
Aktiviti Ice breaking, mengajak para belia untuk beramah mesra antara sesama

Antara program – program yang ketengahkan adalah sesi Flashback 2017, Synod on Youth, Belia Merantau dan program – program peringkat Keuskupan yang akan diadakan pada tahun 2018.

Dalam sesi Flashback 2017, para belia dibawa untuk mengimbas kembali program – program keuskupan sepanjang tahun 2017. Sesi ini membantu para belia untuk mendapat maklumat bahawa ada program – program yang dianjurkan khusus bagi pemimpin belia dan belia yang berpotensi menjadi pemimpin, belia lepasan sekolah, pelajar kampus dan belia – belia yang berumur 15 tahun sehingga 45 tahun dan setiap program ini mempunyai pengisian yang boleh membantu perkembangan kerohanian dan keperibadian mereka.

Selain itu sesi Belia Merantau merupakan sesi pendedahan bagi semua belia khususnya yang akan bekerja dan belajar di luar Keuskupan Sandakan. Mereka amat digalakkan dan diingatkan untuk selalu berhubung dengan Tim Kerasulan Belia Paroki masing – masing untuk mendapatkan maklumat dan mengisi borang yang terdapat di pautan Ini bertujuan agar para belia mengetahui bahawa Gereja sangat prihatin dan ingin supaya mereka dijaga dan sentiasa mendapat sokongan apabila mereka melanjutkan pelajaran terutama apabila berada jauh dari keluarga dan di luar Sabah.

Beberapa orang antara ahli tim Kerasulan Belia Keuskupan yang membantu untuk memberikan sesi

Sesi utama dalam program turun padang ini adalah Synod On Youth. Sebelum mengisi borang soal kaji selidik yang telah disediakan, mereka terlebih dahulu dikongsikan dengan sedikit makluman mengenai Synod of Bishopdan kenapa Synod on YouthSynod on Youth yang bertemakan Orang Muda, Iman dan Penghayatan Panggilan merupakan satu ungkapan penjagaan pastoral Gereja untuk orang muda. Tujuannya adalah untuk menemani orang muda dalam perjalanan menuju kematangan melalui proses DISCERNMENT. Agar mereka dapat menemui perancangan untuk kehidupan mereka dan menyedarinya dengan penuh sukacita serta terbuka untuk bertemu dengan Tuhan dan peribadi, serta penyertaan aktif dalam memperbaharui Gereja dan masyarakat. Maka itulah suara – suara belia di seluruh dunia diperlukan agar boleh di bawa ke Sinod Para Uskup, untuk berbincang dan merenung penjagaan pastoral yang terbaik untuk belia di zaman ini.

Pengisian borang kaji selidik secara online dan secara bertulis

Diakhir program, para belia disajikan dengan program – program peringkat Keuskupan yang akan diadakan pada tahun 2018. Antaranya adalah Youth Leader’s Camp (YLC) 6, YouthPrepLink (YPL) 8, Catholic Campus Students’ Gathering (CCSG) dan Temasya Belia Katolik Keuskupan Sandakan yang pertama.

Pihak Komisi Kerasulan Belia Keuskupan ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Rev. Fr. Sunny Chung, Sr. Lilian Unsoh, fsic dan semua ahli Tim Komisi Kerasulan Belia Keuskupan, Tim Kerasulan Belia Paroki dan Tim Kerasulan Belia Katolik kerana sokongan mereka dalam program ini.

Bersama para belia Paroki Beluran  – Our Lady Of Fatima
Program tim DYA ‘turun padang’ diselit dalam program SPYCAMP, St Paul, Ulu Dusun
– Paroki Beluran –
Bersama para belia Paroki Sandakan – Katedral St. Mary
Bersama para belia Paroki Sandakan – St. Mark dan St Peter
Bersama para belia St. Francis Of Assisi, Kampung Sukang, Misi Paitan
Program Tim DYA ‘turun padang’ telah dijadikan sebagai Program Youth Monthly Gathering (YMG) di Paroki Tawau dan merupakan penganjuran siri ke 51. Tahniah!
Bersama para belia Paroki Lahad Datu – St Nicholas Tampenau, Our Lady of Pillar Silam dan St Dominic, Lahad Datu
Bersama para belia Paroki St. Martin, Telupid


Article reproduced from Dicocese of Sandakan

Seminar Apologetik: Kebenaran Kristiani

Lahad Datu: Seminar Apologetik julung kali telah diadakan di Paroki St. Dominic Lahad Datu pada 21 Oktober 2017. Penyampai sesi iaitu Franciscan Sisters of Immaculate Conception dengan kerjasama Komiti Kateketikal Paroki telah berjaya menarik perhatian seramai 210 para umat menghadiri seminar tersebut.

Pentakhtaan Alkitab oleh Rev. Fr. Simon Kontou

Seminar ini diadakan bertujuan membuka minda para umat tentang pentingnya pengetahuan akan agama kita sendiri, berikutan keadaan semasa yang semakin mendesak, para umat seharusnya sedar dan harus mendalami iman dan pengetahuan tentang iman Katolik ini.

Pada masa kini para pelajar sangat terdedah kepada dunia luar dan mereka harus mempunyai pengetahuan dan iman bagi mempertahankan iman Katolik apabila mereka melanjutkan pelajaran mereka di mana-mana institusi pengajian pada masa akan datang.

Sesi “ice-breaking”

Sr. Calista Saliun menyampaikan sesi “Adakah Alkitab dirosakkan?” dan “Adakah Yesus benar-benar disalibkan?”

Antara topik-topik yang telah disampaikan ialah “Apakah itu Apologetik?, Adakah Alkitab dirosakkan?, Adakah umat Kristian menyembah tiga Tuhan?,  Adakah Yesus itu Tuhan?, Adakah Yesus benar-benar disalibkan?”. Para peserta didedahkan apakah itu Apologetik dan sejarah Gereja bagi memahami kebanyakan soalan dan pertikaian dari agama-agama lain pada masa kini tentang agama Katolik.

Sr. Dorothy Aron menyampaikan sesi “Adakah umat Kristian menyembah tiga Tuhan?”

Sr. Evelin Tivit menyampaikan sesi “Apakah iu Apologetika?” dan “Adakah umat Kristian menyembah tiga Tuhan? (bahagian 2)”

Para umat yang hadir pada seminar tersebut diajak untuk tidak mempertikaikan agama orang lain tetapi memahami kebenaran dan logik agama Katolik ini menurut sejarah gereja awal sehingga sekarang dan menurut Alkitab itu sendiri. “Defend our Faith with Love, kita seharusnya menghormati agama orang lain maka orang lain akan menghormati agama kita” demikianlah ungkapan dari Sr. Evelyn Tivit, FSIC ketika ditanya tentang fokus sebenar seminar ini. Seminar pada hari tersebut berakhir lebih kurang jam 5pm.

Sdra. Sebastian menyampaikan cenderahati kepada Sr. Anita


Article reproduced from Dicocese of Sandakan


Our children are special

These past couple of weeks, the Catechetical ministry has been busy with various camps, formations and activities for their Catechism students. The ministry organised a one-day stay-in camp for the First Holy Communion    students at the Formation Hall from 4-5 November 2017, with the theme ‘Christ Our Joy’. There were 24 English-speaking students and 3 Tamil-speaking students at the camp, which was facilitated by Sister Mary David, FDCC. This camp prepared the students for their first Sacrament of Reconciliation, which will take place on Saturday, 25 November 2017. The students will celebrate their Sacrament of First Holy Communion on 26 November 2017, which is also the Solemnity of Christ the King.

On Saturday, 11 November 2017, the ministry hosted a formation at the Formation Hall entitled ‘I Am Special’ for the teenage catechism students. Several Catechism teachers and youth from the Church of the Visitation, Seremban, led by Peter Tee, facilitated the formation for our teenagers. There were about 57 youth present that day, and it was amazing to watch them present and participate in the activities and discussions. I know most of them since the days when I was ministering in Seremban, as they were my catechism students and it was fascinating to watch them embrace their  sessions. They have really grown in their knowledge of God.

The next day, 12 November 2017, there was another formation for the primary school catechism students on the Eucharist. This formation was facilitated by Tomson Scaria, and it was held after the Sunday morning Mass, from 10.30am to 5.30pm. The session ended with the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction.

My special thanks goes out to the catechetical coordinators and teachers who prepared for the camp and formations with great enthusiasm and dedication. It truly is an exceptional closing to their Catechetical Year 2017.

The Holy Father, Pope Francis, declared 19 November 2017 as the First World Day of the Poor with the theme ‘Let us love, not with words but with deeds’. He suggested that all Christian communities find ways to “create moments of encounter” with the poor. In conjunction with that, St. Joseph’s Church will celebrate World Day of the Poor, as well as our Parish Family Day. Our    catechism students will have the opportunity to mingle with the poor children and their families, in our Church compound. There will be raffle draws, games, a jumble sale and live bands performing throughout the day and it promises to be a fun time for everyone. These two celebrations mark the end of our three-year (2015-2017) faith journey with the vision ‘Towards Strengthening Our Faith Community.”

There are so many heart-breaking stories of poverty and hopelessness in our community, and as a fitting ending to their faith education for the year 2017, the World Day of the Poor will bring a kind of exposure to our catechism    students, as they share their day with them. This celebration will help our children hear the voice of the poor and the marginalised. I am sure this     experience will become an eye-opener for our catechism children, as they learn and share their day with these children. It is also a step forward for them to set a way of life in reaching out to the needy in the future.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

First holy communion camp

On 4 November 2017, the Standard 3 Catechism students prepared themselves to receive Jesus, by attending a two-day in house camp at the Formation Hall. This year’s theme was CHRIST OUR JOY, and a total of 27 children – from both the English and Tamil speaking groups – participated in this camp. The children were accompanied by their respective class teachers, Mdm. Assunta and Mdm. Gloria.

The days’ program started with a bible enthronement by the kids. It gave the children a moment of grace, as they participated in lifting up the word of God. Then Sr. Mary introduced the children to the Eucharist, by getting them to bake the host, which was made out of flour and water. The idea was to expose them to the Bread and Body of Christ.

The program continued after lunch with an art and craft session, where the children designed and crafted a host. They wrote their names on it, referring to themselves as a friend of Jesus. The children then participated in some outdoor games, being made aware of how those games connect to their daily lives, and how their lives continuously lead them to God.

During the camp, Sr. Mary David FDCC and the teachers facilitated a group-sharing activity, focusing on God’s love. The children were asked to reflect on their loved ones, by acting out through song and dance on certain given topics. This helped them understand what receiving the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and the Blood of Jesus was all about. Their experience of the Blessed Sacrament then continued with a silent adoration, conducted by Fr. George.

The camp finale was a combined sharing session on FORGIVENESS & RECONCILIATION for both parents and children. Here, the children were given the chance to express their feelings to their parents, and parents were encouraged to do the same. The camp then ended with a thanksgiving luncheon.

The First Holy Communion Camp was a relevant and important milestone towards preparing the Standard 3 children for the Holy Eucharist. Their teachers have been helping them through this journey throughout the year, and are blessed to have them prepared to experience Jesus is this beautiful way. The children will be receiving their Sacrament of First Holy Communion on 26 November 2017.

See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 18:10).


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

Over 300 students participate in 19th Campus Students Day

KOTA KINABALU – Over 300 students participated in the 19th Archdiocesan Campus Students Day at the Sacred Heart Parish Centre here on 7 Oct 2017.

Among the participants were three from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Sandakan Branch, five from Polytechnic Sandakan, and two from Education Institute of Teachers Tawau.  The rest were from campuses around Kota Kinabalu, Keningau and Sandakan.

The programme began with Mass, followed by an ice-breaking session and praise and worship.

Serena Wong presented the first session on faith, hope and love. She spoke about her life as a student and her experiences as a missionary in an institute of higher learning overseas.

The second session dealt with the Bishops Synod on Youth in 2018.  The participants learnt about the website – talk2francismy – wherein there is a survey questionnaire where Catholic and non-Catholic youth can share their experiences on how the Catholic Church can support the youth and help them choose their mission in life.

Wong also gave a session on living the Word of God.   She asked the participants to focus on daily readings of the Bible and told them that faith alone is not enough. She stressed that the students need to pray and practise “eating” the Word of God and asked the students to work with groups of friends who want to grow in Christ and to be thankful for everything.

Paulus facilitated the final session on “What do I need to do after this?”  He invited the participants to remember all they had learnt in Sessions I and II and to practise them every day to strengthen their faith and to become excellent Catholic students.

The highlight of the programme was Theatrical Night which featured an actor who delivered a special message based on the theme taken from the Gospel of St Luke 1:49 – For the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Citing ‘sacred patrimony,’ churches reject unauthorised DBP translation of Bible

KUALA LUMPUR — The Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) expressed on 20 Nov 2017 its outrage that the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) can provide an “official translation” of its holy book in Bahasa Malaysia (BM) which forms part of the “sacred patrimony” for its adherents.

The umbrella organisation representing 90 per cent of churches nationwide condemned the proposal by a legal representative of the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) as another attempt to infringe upon the constitutional right of Christians to manage their own religious affairs.

“The Holy Bible and the Al-Kitab in Bahasa Malaysia form part of the sacred patrimony of Christians and any attempt by any person not authorised by the Christian churches to provide an authoritative version will be firmly rejected.

“This is not just an outrage to Christians and their sensibilities. It will be a most heinous form of offence against what all Christians believe to be divinely inspired Scriptures, the Word of God,” CFM said in a statement signed by its chairman and Catholic Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur Julian Leow Beng Kim.

The CFM reiterated that BM is the language of the majority of Christian Malaysians, emphasising that the Arabic word for God “Allah” has been used in the Christian context locally and regionally “since time immemorial.”

The group pointed out that the Conference of Rulers had last month issued a reminder to all Malaysians to respect and abide by the principles in the Federal Constitution with regards to religious matters.

It added that the Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah had issued a similar call just days later for respect of the constitution — country’s supreme law — for national peace and harmony.

“All who hope for continued unity and stability in our beloved country must surely take such wise and timely advice to heart for the betterment of all who live in our multi-ethnic and multi-religious community,” CFM concluded.

The National Evangelical Christian Fellowship — one of the components in the CFM — had just two days ago criticised the argument in court by a lawyer for Mais during a lawsuit by Sarawakian Christian Jill Ireland Lawrence Bill against the Home Ministry Putrajaya over the local ban of “Allah” in Christian publications.

Mais lawyer Mohamed Haniff Khatri Abdulla had told the High Court that DBP could prepare a Malay version of the Bible omitting the word “Allah,”  which is currently used in existing editions of the Al-Kitab.

Malaysia is possibly the only country in the world in which “Allah,” the Arabic word for God, is exclusive to Islam, after the courts here ruled in favour of the federal government’s decision to ban the Catholic Church from using it in its newsletter, Herald.

Despite the government’s assertion, the “Allah” prohibition has expanded beyond the Herald to affect the daily prayer and worship of Christian Malaysians, the majority who are the Malay-speaking natives of Sarawak and Sabah.- malay mail online


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Vatican opens official chancery in Kuala Lumpur

The organising committee poses with founder Julita Chok and Spiritual Adviser Sr Rose Santos at the 31st anniversary celebration, D-Junction Penampang, 8 Oct 2017.

KOTA KINABALU – The Filipino Community at the Sacred Heart Cathedral here marked 31 years on existence with a dinner at a local restaurant on 8 Oct 2017.

In her speech, Julita Ceralde Chok, founder of the community, said that the community has helped in bringing up the name and reputation of Filipino parishioners.

It has, she continued, now become an integral part of the cathedral parish, and she expressed the hope to continue to serve God and parish through this community in helping to achieve the mission and vision of the archdiocese.

Aside from enumerating the activities of the community, Chok said that the community has played a very important role in rescuing Filipino girls from vice in the past.Cheryl Fernandez, the incumbent

Cheryl Fernandez, the incumbent chairlady, encouraged the guests who participated in the event to become members if they wished to accord God a more meaningful worship. “Together we become a

“Together we become a spirit-filled people bringing the love of Jesus Christ to ourselves and to the people around us,” said Fernandez.

The Filipino Community was formed in 1986 when six Malaysian Filipino members started a prayer group to help fellow Filipinos coming to Sabah to be good followers of Jesus Christ.

This year the theme for the anniversary event was taken from the title of the hymn “Jesus Saves” to the tune of the song ‘Pearly Shells’, which provided for the Hawaiian party and Hawaiian fancy dress ideas.  – Victoria Matakim


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Stella Maris Parish launches its vision and mission

The Boys Brigade (11th Stella Maris KK Company) carries the statue of Mary Star of the Sea during the entrance procession, 28 Oct 2017, Stella Maris Tg Aru.  Photo: Ben Wong

TANJUNG ARU – Stella Maris Parish here launched its vision and mission statements on 28 Oct 2017 during the Sunset Mass.

The day was held with prayers and talks by Father Peter Abas, and sharings about the Vision and Mission by Arthur Asai, Sister Carmen Cardova FSIC, and Comeswell Egol, followed by the rosary prayer led by the Legion of Mary and a procession of the statue of Mary, Star of the Sea carried by the Boys Brigade. It was a simple, beautiful and meaningful launching of the Vision and Mission.

The next step would be the drawing up of objectives sometime in November.

In August 2017, Fr Abas, assistant pastor, called for a meeting to brainstorm to “create a vision that is being inspired by the Holy Spirit.”

The objective of the first workshop on Aug 26 was to work on the Vision. Seventy-six parishioners representing 25 ministries, groups and families came to brainstorm. The workshop was guided by Dominic Lim. He gave the guidelines on 1) how to go about it, 2) what is the meaning when we create a vision, and 3) how do we put across our ideas and what is/and is not important.

After some debate, the group came out with the following statement:

A Christ Centred Parish Family journeying together – strengthened by the Holy Spirit and empowered by the Word of God in creating an evangelising community.

The Mission Statement stated below came out during a meeting on Sept 30:
“We, the Parish Family commit ourselves to a life of: 
1)    Ongoing personal and communal renewal
2)    Proclaiming Christ, empowered by the Word of God, and guided by the teachings of the Church
3)    Nurturing the parish family life through prayers and Sacraments
4)    Evangelising missionary spirit, promoting unity in communities, and respecting the values of other faiths

Below are some comments by those involved:

Sr Carmen Cordova: The Vision and Mission challenge us to achieve unity, and be a better Catholic.

Arthur Asai: We will know our direction with this parish Vision and Mission.

Comeswel Egol: As a parish family, we will be stronger with the Vision and Mission, and as a youth leader, it will help me to guide the youth and to show them the direction to go. – Teresa Alberto/Jeremy Chin


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu
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