Category Archives: Nov 2017

Put others first, for the greater good

The 57 year-old Church of the Most Holy Redeemer celebrated its parish feast Triduum on October 22, 2017 with a procession in honour of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The theme was Witnessing Beyond Borders.

On the first day of the Triduum, Fr Stephen Liew, from the Church of St Michael, Ipoh, celebrated Mass and there was also anointing of the Sick. On the second day, Redemptorist priest, Fr Joseph Stephen from the Church of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, Ipoh, preached on Family Life. A special blessing was given to all the families at Mass.

Parish priest, Fr Andrew Stephen was the main celebrant on the third day of the Triduum. Eighteen recent graduates made their way into the Church, in their graduation robes preceded by an entrance dance presentation by four youths in traditional attire. It was a time for the parish to thank and praise God for these mainly Sabahans and Sarawakians who had made this Church their parish whilst attending university here.

In his homily, Fr Andrew narrated a true story. His friend had breathing difficulties so he went to see the doctor and underwent an ECG test. The results showed that there was nothing wrong with his heart. The doctor recommended that he should stay for further tests which he refused, despite his wife’s persuasion. The next day, his friend suffered a heart attack and died.

“If he had loved his young children and wife, he should have stayed for further tests at hospital. What about you today? Is your family or yourself more important?” He asked the assembly to reflect on those questions and went on to say, “What would have happened if God was selfish and didn’t send His Son, Jesus Christ, to save us? But God thinks of all of us and not just of Himself. Today, we know God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as we celebrate the feastday of the Most Holy Redeemer.

Fr Andrew added, “Jesus is willing to sacrifice Himself as our Redeemer. If, today, we only think about ourselves, how can we save others? How many of us today introduce Jesus or bring a friend to the Church? Or show your Christianity and convince others to come to church? If we always only think of ourselves, how can we be agents to redeem others and bring them to Christ?”

After the multi-lingual Mass, Fr Andrew Stephen carried the monstrance containing the Blessed Sacrament, with one lay leader holding up a large Cross, leading the assembly of few hundred people in a short procession along the public roads around the church, in honour of Our Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ. Upon returning to the Church, Benediction was celebrated.

Just after Benedication, Fr Andrew congratulated the new graduates and said, “When you go back to your respective States, do serve in your parishes.” He also said a prayer for them and blessed them with holy water.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

Misa Penutupan Bulan Rosari

Sandakan – Pada tanggal 28 Oktober Misa Penutupan Bulan Rosari telah diadakan di Pondok Meditasi, Puncak Maria, Katedral St. Mary, Sandakan. Seramai lebih kurang 150 orang umat telah mengikuti misa ini.

Doa Rosari telah dimulakan seawal jam 8.30 pagi di hadapan groto Katedral St. Mary. Setelah doa Rosari selesai, semua umat perlahan-lahan bergerak menuju ke Puncak Maria untuk menghadiri Misa Kudus. Misa telah diselebrankan oleh Uskup Julius Dusin Gitom dan dibantu oleh Fr. Stanley William Matakim.

Pada awal misa, Bishop Julius menyeru umat yang hadir untuk mendoakan umat Kristian yang berada di seluruh dunia. Lebih-lebih lagi penganiayaan terhadap umat Kristian semakin berleluasa.

“Mari kita berdoa untuk mereka yang hidup dalam penganiayaan khususnya mereka yang beriman kepada Kristus.” – Uskup Julius.

Pada hari yang sama, Gereja Katolik merayakan Pesta Santo Simon dan Santo Yudas. Semasa homili, Uskup Julius menyentuh tentang dua orang santo tersebut yang merupakan pengikut Yesus yang setia, penuh keimanan dan dedikasi dalam membawa injil. Mengikut tradisi, mereka pergi ke Persia untuk menyebarkan firman Tuhan dan mereka mati sebagai martir.

Kemudian, Yang Mulia meneruskan homilinya, “Seperti dalam Injil (Lukas 6:12), Yesus berdoa sebelum memilih 12 rasul-Nya. Hal ini menunjukkan bahawa jika kita ingin mengambil satu keputusan yang penting di dalam hidup kita, kita perlu berdoa sama seperti Yesus berdoa kepada BapaNya. Teladan yang pertama ialah Bonda Maria.  Kita percaya bahawa Bonda Maria telah banyak kali membawa Yesus pergi ke rumah ibadat, contohnya ketika mereka membawa Yesus ke Jerusalem untuk dipersembahkan di bait Allah. Hal ini memberi kita bayangan bahawa ibubapa Yesus merupakan orang yang takwa kepada Tuhan dan Bonda Maria adalah orang pertama yang mengajar Yesus untuk berdoa. Pada bulan Rosari ini, kita berkesempatan untuk berdoa bukan sahaja secara individu tetapi juga secara berkomuniti dan bersama dengan Bonda Maria. Kita mohon agar Bonda Maria sentiasa mendoakan kita. Walaupun kita menutup bulan Rosari ini tetapi tidak bererti bahawa kita berhenti berdoa. Sebab itulah kita diperingatkan dalam injil hari ini bahawa kehidupan Yesus juga berdoa kepada Tuhan. Oleh itu, marilah kita sentiasa berdoa kepada Tuhan agar kita sentiasa dekat dengan-Nya dan kehidupan kita sentiasa dibimbing oleh-Nya.”

Misa selesai kira-kira jam 11 pagi dan diikuti dengan bergambar bersama.

Parish Pastoral Assembly 2017: We are all called to serve

On Saturday, 28th October, we had our Parish Pastoral Assembly (PPA) for the year 2017 with around 91 attendees. It was an overwhelming response; in fact, there was an improvement in attendance when compared to last year’s PPA. It shows an increase of a sense of belonging in our faith community and parish as well.

I would like to personally thank you for your presence and for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend this memorable assembly. I believe you would have been enriched in your discussions during the PPA and learnt more about the parish structures and thrust of the Archdiocese for the next five years. I too would not forget the PPA core-teams of our parish who came a week before the PPA to discuss about the eight cluster findings, action plans and strategies. The eight clusters are Basic Ecclesial Community (BEC), Family Life, Unity, Parish Integral Human Development (PHID), Formation, Inter-Religious Dialogue (IRD), Youth and Social Media. As a parish community, we are grateful to Archbishop Julian Leow and the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur Pastoral Team led by Monsignor Mitchel Anthony and his team for animating and coordinating the PPA for us.

Since 2015 till now we have been journeying with a-three year parish vision, “Towards Strengthening Our Faith Community.” To achieve this vision we have set our mission for each year on “FAMILY,”  “BECs” and “FAITH COMMUNITY”. As we were journeying these past three years, we were praying and engaging ourselves with the Word of God, worshiping and celebrating our relationship with the Trinity God through the Sacraments in ways that enhance our spiritual growth. Each of us has put our efforts to enflesh our commitment to live out our vision and missions in these past three years. I appreciate that every one of you has shown your growing interest in your own faith and you have devoted your time and energy to help one another in order to strengthen our faith community.

We shall take up all our discussions, reflections, findings, action plans and strategies from this PPA collectively and move further by committing ourselves with the spirit of New Evangelisation towards Year 2020. In a couple of weeks’ time some of our Parish leaders will come together to pray and reflect on the mission statements for the years 2018 – 2020. We shall hope for the best with the spirit of building our community in the light of Christ within our community and with other faith communities as well.

We, as parishioners of St. Joseph, shall commit ourselves to act as the living presence of Christ in our families, communities and in a larger society. We too shall continue to bring the presence of Christ as we build our relationships, heal the brokenness, serve others and welcome each other with love. We shall work hand in hand loving as Christ loves us and serving as Christ serves, “Not to be served, but to serve,” (Mt 20:28).

I have shared my thoughts and prayers of our parish vision and mission to you and invite you to more fully take part in the life of our parish in the coming years. We have a few more events lined up before the closing of the year 2017, mainly the memorial service of late Monsignor Anthony Thomas on 5th November, 1st World Day of the Poor cum Parish Family Day on 19th November and distribution of school uniforms for the poor children and provision of groceries for the poor families in December 2017.

Let’s take every opportunity to bring the living presence of Christ by sharing and serving one another in the above events.

May God, who has begun the good work in us, bring it to completion, (cf. Phil 1:6). —SJC



First world day of the poor

Date:   19th November 2017 (Sunsay)
Time:    10.30 am – 5.00 pm
Venue: St. Joseph Church Sentul

The Holy Father, Pope Francis has announced 19 November 2017 as the First World Day for the Poor with the theme, “LET US LOVE, NOT WITH THE WORDS BUT WITH DEEDS.” In line with this our parish will be organising a few activities:

1. Lunch with the poor families and migrants. We expect around 800 – 1000 people to come and have a meal with us.

2. Jumble sale: Items like clothes, toys, story books, electrical goods, household products, etc, the cost of which will range from RM0.20 to RM49.90. These items are for the poor people and also for those who are interested to purchase them.If you have any items to donate please do contact Ms. Dorothy Selva at +60172256331 or the parish office.

3. Catechetical Teachers will coordinate games and other activities for our catechism students, Myanmar and poor children at convent school ground from 10.30 am to 12.00 noon.

4. Parish Family Day will be held on the same day from 10.30 am to 5.00 pm:

5. Raffle Draws: We have printed 30,000 tickets at RM2.00 per ticket. There will be more than 100 prizes to be won. The draw date will be on 19 November 2017. Raffle tickets are on sale in your BECs and at the Church grounds. Kindly do purchase them.

6. There will be food & beverage on sale as well as games, funfair and entertainment. The proceeds from this event will fund the installation of air-conditioners in our Parish Community Hall. We look forward to your support towards this project. Donations are most welcome. We invite all our parishioners to come and celebrate.SJC



Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

Pope Francis’ 2017 Intentions

That Christians in Asia, bearing witness to the Gospel in word and deed, may promote dialogue, peace, and mutual understanding, especially with those of other religions.

Liturgical Feasts / Anniversaries /Observances

Nov 01: All Saints Day  (Day of Obligation) 

Nov 02: All Souls Day (commemoration)

Nov 03: St Martin de Porres

Nov 04: St Charles Borromeo

Nov 05: 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time A

 Nov 09: Dedication of St John Lateran

Nov 10: St Leo the Great

Nov 11: St Martin of Tours

Nov 12: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time A

Nov 15: St Albert the Great

Nov 16: Sts Margaret of Scotland & Gertrude / 32nd death anniversary of Bp Simon Fung

Nov 17: St Elizabeth of Hungary

Nov 18: Dedication of Sts Peter & Paul

Nov 19: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time A / World Day of the Poor (2017)

Nov 21: Presentation of Mary

Nov 22: St Cecilia

Nov 23: Sts Clement I & Columban

Nov 24: St Andrew Dung-Lac & Companions

Nov 25: St Catherine of Alexandria

Nov 26: Christ the King / 36th Dedication Anniversary of Sacred Heart Cathedral

Nov 28: St Catherine Laboure

Nov 30: St Andrew, Apostle


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Pauline Family celebrates Solemnity of Jesus Divine Master

KOTA KINABALU – Members of the Pauline Family – the Daughters of St Paul and Association of Pauline Cooperators – celebrated the Solemnity of Jesus the Divine Master on 30 Oct 2017 at the Sisters’ convent at Jalan Sang Kancil Satu Karamunsing.

Joining them were their collaborators, friends and the Initiation Year students.

Father Mattheus Luta presided at the Mass.  After the Mass, all were invited to the potluck fellowship at the lobby.

At the centre of the Pauline spirituality is Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life, the heart of the Pauline vocation and mission.  It does not include only the “praying” aspect but is a “style of life” covering the whole of spiritual life, studies, apostolate, external activities – according to Blessed James Alberione, the Founder of the Pauline Family  (Pr 6 [1958], 5).

The Pauline Family celebrates the solemnity on the last Sunday of October.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Singles conference draws 150 participants

KOTA KINABALU – The Singles for Christ (SFC) South East Asia and Borneo Regional Conference held at the Lintas Platinum Hotel here drew 150 participants.

The participants came from Indonesia, Brunei, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur and Sabah).

Based on the theme “Eimai Katholikos,” Greek for “I Am Catholic,” the participants were given the opportunity to deepen their Catholic faith and grow in their prayer life through a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

They learnt how to “Live Catholic” with the four cardinal virtues: prudence, temperance, fortitude and justice.

The participants were led to explore the challenges of being a Catholic in today’s society and to meet and build friendships with likeminded Catholics from around South East Asian.

All these objectives were realised through the Catholic Festival: singing and dancing, accompanied by music, colourful decorations and Catholic elements.

One of the basic elements of a Catholic Festival was the Catholic Booth with four sections:
i) The Creed: what we believe, human response, profession of faith through trivia and bible quiz;

ii) Sacraments: how we celebrate the Christian mysteries, sacred signs, seven sacraments through matching/memory games, and fill in the blanks;

iii) The Commandments: life in Christ, the ten commandments through word scramble; and

iv) The Lord’s Prayer: how to pray through prayer walk, rosary, Mass (Father Paul Lo).

The SFC is one of the family ministries of Couples for Christ (CFC), a Catholic non-profit renewal community, and is a ministry for young professionals aged 21-40 years.   “Single” refers to anyone within that age group who is free from any legal impediments to marriage. The pastoral care offered by the ministry, though, is not limited to those who are called to marriage but includes as well those who may be considering either single blessedness or religious vocation as a state of life.

The regional conference is part of the SFC activities in the second half of the year, July to October, when members from the Philippines and nearby countries gather in an area grouping for a two/three- day conference full of various activities such as talks, workshops and competitions.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Pope urges members of secular institutes to act and be God’s Word

File photo: OCDS members pose with Fr Aloysius Deeney ocd (back row, 3rd from L) and Fr Felix Chung (back row, 3rd from R) after making their Definitive Promise or Renewal of Promise, 28 July 2007, Carmelite Chapel KK.

VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis on Saturday, 28 Oct 2017,  reminded members of Secular Institutes about their ‎prophetic presence in the world, especially by being and acting the Word of God they hear.  ‎

‎The Holy Father’s exhortation came in a message he sent to the Italian Conference of ‎Secular Institutes(CIIS) that is holding a conference in Rome, Oct. 28-29, on the theme, “Beyond and ‎in the Midst: Secular Institutes: Stories of passion and prophecy for God and the world.”

A secular ‎institute is an organization of consecrated persons who live in the world, unlike members of a religious ‎institute or congregation who are required to live in a community.  ‎

Pope Francis told the conference participants that their laicity consists in knowing what God has to say to the ‎world, where “saying” means acting and not talking.  This, he said is very much needed in our times ‎where difficulties could tempt one to isolate herself or himself into a comfortable and secure situation ‎and withdraw from the world.  But the Pope said, “your place is to “stay in” with the transforming ‎presence of the Gospel.”   He admitted it is a difficult path, but assured them the Lord wants to walk ‎with them.‎

Pope Francis said that their vocation and mission is to be aware not only of their surroundings, without ‎stopping at appearance but going deeper, but also discovering where God manifests Himself.  In other ‎words –  aware of the world but with hearts immersed in God.    ‎

In this regard, Pope Francis suggested five spiritual attitudes.  One needs to pray to be united to God and to listen to Him.  One needs discernment to distinguish between essentials and unimportant things.  Like Jesus, one needs to share the lot of ‎men and women even in tragic and dark times.  One should never to lose confidence and courage, knowing how to find ‎good in everything. And lastly, one should be animated by Christ’s sympathy for the world and the people, to be free and passionate like salt and ‎yeast in the world.‎

In Sabah, there are four secular institutes: Secular Franciscan Order (OFS), Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites (OCDS), Institute of Our Lady of the Annunciation (IMSA), and Institusi Komuniti Betania (ISKB). – vatican radio/kksoccom


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu
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