Category Archives: Oct 2017

Malaysian-Chinese hymn to shine at awards ceremony

The five judges of hymn-writing competition, which received over 200 entries, exchange views in Macau. (photo supplied)

MACAU – Judges of the Veritas Cup, a Chinese hymn-writing competition, have praised a marked improvement in the quality of this year’s entries.

Some hymns were accompanied by music played on the Guqin, an ancient Chinese zither-like stringed instrument.

Although the competition was judged in mid-July, an awards ceremony and Holy Music Festival is to be held in Macau from 27-29 Oct 2017 at the Macau Diocesan Social Communication Centre.

A special Mass has been organized and Bishop Stephen Lee Bun-sang of Macau will present the awards.

The winner is a Malaysian contestant for a hymn called “God is Love.”

“Thanks for Your Hug” by a contestant from Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province was first runner-up and “Shepherd in the Mountain” from Taichung, Taiwan, came third.

The distinguished judging panel of five Chinese-speaking musicians considered over 200 entries.

So Kai-yi from Taiwan, the chairwoman of the jury, told Oct 25 that one criterion was how well hymns reflected Christian faith.

Malaysia’s “God is Love” was deemed the winner after heated debate amongst the judges.

Competition judge Wu Jiagong, principal of Guangqi Music School in Shanghai Diocese, noted that some entries were performed in an ancient Chinese chanting style.

However, Wu admitted that the bulk of mainland Chinese composers had yet to catch up with other entrants, including from Malaysia, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

He added, however, that new Church music talent is emerging in China.

Judge Wu Ru-ran, a conductor from Taiwan, said traditional influences such as folk songs and operas should not be ignored.

“In addition to composing our works via our own experiences and emotions, we need to think more about the relationship between oneself with the earth and God,” he advised.

Wu noted that the “treasure” of Western Catholic music was accumulated over hundreds of years.

Themes of this year’s entries ranged from saints to family, children, religious orders and worship as well as the sharing of faith.

Judges highly praised a hymn about an area of Guangdong Province called “Son of Jiangcheng — Calling” composed by Father Han Bo of Jinzhong Diocese in China’s Shanxi Province.

A Gregorian chant with a typical melody played on the Guqin, the hymn tells of how a teenager responded to a call from God by dedicating himself to religious life.

It is the second Veritas Cup. The first contest in 2013 attracted 182 entries, with 16 percent coming from overseas Chinese communities. –


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu


KOTA KINABALU – Pada 7 Oktober 2017, Catholic Student Council (CCS) Keuskupan Agung Kota Kinabalu telah menganjurkan Hari Warga Kampus (HWK) ke-19 bertempat di Sacred Heart Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu. Seramai 10 orang peserta mewakili Keuskupan Sandakan telah menyertai program tersebut, 3 orang pelajar daripada Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) cawangan Sandakan, 5 orang pelajar daripada Politeknik Sandakan Sabah, dan 2 orang lagi merupakan pelajar daripada Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG) Kampus Tawau. Keseluruhan peserta daripada seluruh kampus sekitar Kota Kinabalu, Keningau dan Sandakan adalah lebih daripada 300 orang peserta.
Program dimulakan dengan Misa kudus pada jam 7 pagi sebagai pembukaan HWK-19 dan diikuti dengan acara ice-breaking didewan, “Get to Know Me and You‟ dan seterusnya pujian dan penyembahan.
Sesi 1 telah disampaikan oleh Sdri. Serena mengenai “Iman, Pengharapan dan Kasih”. Berdasarkan kepada tajuk sesi, beliau mengongsikan tentang kehidupan sebagai pelajar dan juga mengenai pengalaman beliau semasa menuntut di sebuah institut pengajian di luar negara serta pengalamannya sebagai seorang misionaris.
Aktiviti kemudiannya diteruskan dengan Synod on Youth 2018 – talk2francismy di mana para peserta diberi maklumat mengenai satu laman web khusus bagi soal selidik yang memerlukan kerjasama seluruh belia Katolik dan bukan Katolik untuk mengongsikan pengalaman masing-masing bagi membincangkan bagaimana gereja Katolik mampu menyokong belia dalam menghidupi iman dan memilih misi dalam hidup dengan lebih baik. Pope Francis akan membincangkan isu-isu ini bersama-sama dalam perhimpunan Sinod bersama seluruh bishop di seluruh dunia.
Program HWK ke 19 diteruskan dengan Sesi 2 yang bertajuk “Menghidupi Sabda Allah dalam Kehidupan‟ yang juga dikongsikan oleh Sdri. Serena yang dikaitkan dengan Alkitab. Beliau membawa para peserta untuk menitik beratkan pembacaan Alkitab sehari-hari agar mendengar kata-kata daripada Tuhan kerana kepercayaan semata-mata adalah sia-sia tanpa memiliki kebenaran melalui Alkitab. Beliau juga menegaskan pelajar untuk berdoa dan mempraktikkan “makan‟ dari segi Firman Tuhan, memilih golongan kawan yang mahu bertumbuh dalam Kristus dan meraikan serta bersyukur atas perkara-perkara yang kecil.
Sesi yang terakhir telah dikendalikan oleh Sdra. Paulus iaitu “Apa yang Perlu Saya Lakukan Selepas Ini?”. Beliau mengajak semua peserta untuk menyimpulkan segala ilmu pengetahuan yang diperolehi daripada Sesi 1 & 2 untuk dipraktikkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari agar dapat menjadi seorang pelajar Katolik kampus yang imannya teguh.
Kemuncak penutupan program ini diakhiri dengan acara “Malam Tematik‟ yang mempersembahkan sebuah lakonan yang menyampaikan mesej yang tersendiri menurut tema HWK-19, “Karena Yang Mahakuasa telah melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan besar kepadaku dan nama-Nya adalah kudus‟ – Lukas 1:49. Semoga pelajar – pelajar Katolik Kampus yang telah menghadiri HWK ke 19 ini lebih dimantapkan iman mereka dan apa yang telah diperolehi akan dapat di kongsikan bersama dengan para pelajar Katolik kampus yang berada diKeuskupan Sandakan.

Gambar kenangan bersama – sama perwakilan dari Keuskupan Sandakan
Theressa Maria berdiri di tempat yang ke – 4 dari kiri dan berbaju warna light  blue.

Article reproduced from Dicocese of Sandakan 


SAKILAN DESA – Program Rasa Sayang – Sayang (RSS) telah diadakan di kapela St. Yohanes Pembaptis, Sekilan Desa pada 7 sehingga 8 Oktober 2017. Program yang bertemakan “kerana yang Mahakuasa telah melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan yang besar kepadaku dan namaNya adalah kudus” (Lukas 1:49) telah dihadiri seramai 36 orang muda Katolik disekitar Sakilan Desa dan dari Komuniti Besar Keluarga Indonesia (KBKI).

Antara wajah-wajah peserta

Program RSS ini merupakan ilham dan inisiatif para belia di Sekilan Desa yang dipimpin oleh Saudara Paulus Kopong dan saudari Marselina Kornelis yang bertujuan untuk mengeratkan lagi hubungan persahabatan antara belia dan membawa belia untuk lebih mengenali Yesus, Bonda Maria dan asal usul keturunan keluarga sendiri dengan lebih mendalam.

Pelbagai aktiviti dan sesi yang telah dijalankan sepanjang program ini. Antaranya adalah doa Taize, perkongsian dalam kumpulan dan renungan secara peribadi, aktiviti berkumpulan dan “Outdoor Games”.

Aktivti dalam kumpulan “Persembahan Lakonan”
Outdoor Games
Doa Taize

“Siapa Tuhan Yesus bagi saya?” merupakan sesi yang pertama yang telah disampaikan oleh Sr. Lilian Unsoh fsic, selaku pembantu Penasihat Rohani Kerasulan Belia Keuskupan Sandakan. Sesi kedua iaitu “Siapakah Bonda Maria?” telah dikongsikan oleh saudari Maria Fatimah, yang merupakan seorang rasul awam yang melayani umat di Keluarga Besar Katolik Indonesia (KBKI). Sesi ketiga yang bertajuk “Gereja adalah satu Panggilan, Gereja adalah Apostolik” telah disampaikan oleh saudari Anna Teresa. Dalam sesi yang ke 3 ini, saudari Anna mengambil kesempatan untuk mengingatkan kepada anak – anak muda perantau agar tidak melupakan identiti serta asal – usul diri kerana identiti ini juga merupakan anugerah Tuhan dan perlu dihargai.


Para Penyampai Sesi Sr. Lilian (kiri), Saudari Maria Fatimah (tengah) dan Saudari Anna (kanan)

Melalui program ini, kerohanian dan jasmani para peserta dapat disegarkan dan dikuatkan. Hubungan antara sesama juga telah terbina dan semakin erat melalui aktiviti – aktiviti berkumpulan. Selain itu, keyakinan diri pada para belia juga dapat dimantapkan melalui sesi-sesi dan aktviti-aktiviti sepanjang program ini. Melihat kepada sokongan dan penerimaan positif dari para belia dan pemimpin Gereja Sakilan Desa, program RSS ini, diharapkan dapat diteruskan agar pembentukan iman dapat ditingkatkan dan persahabatan dapat diteguhkan.

Bergambar kenangan bersama selepas Ibadat Sabda


Article reproduced from Dicocese of Sandakan 

Kem Belia Alpha

LAHAD DATU: Silam Catholic Youth Apostolate (SCYA) telah mengadakan sebuah Program Kem Belia Alpha yang berlangsung selama 3 hari 2 malam bermula pada 6hb Oktober hingga 8h Oktober 2017. Kem ini diadakan di Borneo Paradise Eco Farm Resort, Kunak. Seramai 53 orang telah menyertai program ini. Antaranya ialah peserta dari Our Lady of Pilar Silam dan St. Nicholas Tampenau.


Objektif di dalam Alpha Belia ini adalah agar para belia mengalami keintiman dengan Yesus, bukan sahaja mengalaminya namun juga untuk memperbaiki hubungan ini, serta bertumbuh di dalamnya.

Kem ini termasuklah 10 sesi yang diambil daripada tajuk-tajuk Kem Alpha (Siapakah Yesus?, Mengapakah Yesus Wafat? Bagaimanakah saya yakin dengan Iman saya? Mengapa dan Bagaimanakah saya berdoa? Mengapa dan Bagaimanakah saya membaca Alkitab? Siapakah Roh Kudus dan Apakah yang dilakukan oleh Roh Kudus? Bagaimanakah saya boleh dipenuhi Roh Kudus? Bagaimanakah saya boleh mengatasi kejahatan? dan Adakah Tuhan masih menyembuhkan masa kini?).
Selain daripada itu, perkongsian dalam kumpulan, Puji dan Sembah, doa berkumpulan(sesi penyembuhan), Faith in Action (FIA), dan Journey To Unity (“Amazing Race”).  Bukan itu saja, sesi pertobatan dan pemeriksaan hati nurani juga telah disampaikan oleh Rev. Fr. Marcellinus Pongking diikuti dengan sesi Sakramen Rekonsiliasi. Tidak lupa juga Rev. Fr. Simon Kontou yang telah mengadakan Misa Ekaristi dan telah menyampaikan homili yang sangat baik.

Melalui kem ini, telah membawa sesuatu yang luar biasa dan telah mengubah ramai peserta. Semestinya perubahan tersebut merupakan sesuatu yang sangat baik. Puji Tuhan!

Testimoni peserta:

Mereka bersyukur dan berterima kasih kerana melalui program ini, semua orang sangat “sporting”, semakin kenal antara satu sama yang lain, gembira kerana mendapat kawan baru. Mereka juga telah belajar dengan betul bagaimana untuk berdoa, membuka Alkitab, mendapat banyak pengetahuan melalui sesi-sesi yang telah disampaikan. Mereka berharap agar dapat menguatkan dan mengukuhkan iman mereka.

Mereka juga bersyukur kerana telah diberi peluang untuk menyertai program ini dan membuat mereka mendapat sentuhan dari kuasa Roh Kudus lebih-lebih lagi semasa sesi penyembuhan. Ini membuatkan mereka menyedari bahawa hari tersebut adalah hari yang paling indah bagi mereka apalagi bagi yang pertama kali menyertai program seperti ini.

Mereka juga sangat terharu dan gembira kerana bukan saja dapat memperbaiki komunikasi dan hubungan dengan komuniti/kawan-kawan tetapi juga dengan Tuhan serta membawa diri lebih dekat dengan Tuhan. Mereka sangat merasai kehadiran dan jamahan Roh Kudus bekerja di dalam diri mereka.

Ternyata semua usaha, jerih payah dan segala kesulitan untuk menjayakan kem ini tidak sia-sia. Terima kasih kami ucapkan kepada Saudara Billy M. Socobos yang telah memperkenalkan program Alpha ini kepada kami sejak berbulan yang lalu sehingga kami dapat menjayakan program ini. Tidak lupa juga mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih dan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada mereka yang telah menyokong dan membantu dalam menjayakan program ini; kepada Paderi Paroki, Fr.Simon Kontou dan Fr. Marcelinus Pongking (St.Dominic), kepada KUK, Pengerusi KKD San Juan Silam, KWK dan komuniti Our Lady of Pilar Silam Chapel, kepada para penaja, penceramah, Senior Alpha Kajang, dan kepada keluarga yang telah membantu dalam menyediakan makanan dan keperluan kami, Belia St.Nicholas Tampenau dan seterusnya kepada SCYA team ministry.

Tuhan sungguh baik ! Alleluia !


Article reproduced from Dicocese of Sandakan 


Be missionary disciples

“We come with one heart and as one family to celebrate the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary,” Fr Lawrence Ng CDD said, at the Feastday Triduum of the Church of the Holy Rosary (HRC) on October 7, 2017. The triduum, with the theme Be Disciples of Hope, was celebrated from October 5 to 7. Fr Clement Lim preached on Day One. He said our duty is to spread the Kingdom of God. “Are you hopeless or hopeful people? You might share gossip, but do you share the Good News?

“To be a disciple is not easy. We need to experience God in our lives.

“As disciples of hope, we not only pray, but need to put the words of God in our lives. You are the one to continue His work today. Can I build His Kingdom? If you see one loving family or society, that means Jesus is with us. He comes into our reality. Do not be afraid. We all go through trials but bear it for the Lord,” Fr Lim reiterated.

Hundreds of faithful came for the last day of the triduum. The Thanksgiving Mass was celebrated by Fr Ng, with HRC parish priest Fr Joachim Tan concelebrating.

A procession with the statue of Our Lady of the Rosary was held after Mass.

Earlier, in his homily, preached in both English and Mandarin, Fr Ng said, a year ago in October 2016, there was a large gathering of bishops, clergy, religious and laity for the Peninsular Malaysia Pastoral Convention (PMPC) IV. He recalled this important event because it is related to our theme, Be Disciples of Hope.

Fr Ng said there were four great concerns from the findings of PMPC IV. First Islamisation. Catholics must be well established in their own faith in order not to be confused by conflicting religious teaching.

The second concern was Globalisation. The whole world has become a village. When there is a major incident in one place, the whole world will know of it in minutes.

The third concern: Secularisation. The belief that there is probably no God and so we should stop worrying and just enjoy life. Fr Ng said this makes people forget their faith and spirituality and it has become a major concern.

The fourth concern: Corruption, which includes Malaysia. In society, in the world and even in the Church, there is corruption. The priest from the Church of St Ignatius in Petaling Jaya challenged the congregation and asked them how we can face all these concerns.

He said PMPC IV suggested three ways. First, Be Creative. We need to maximize the usage of technology. Fr Ng said that he uses slides in his homily to help convey the message. Once you get the message, you can change and be a light to the world.

The second way is Being Inclusive. We must be inclusive. Accept and welcome everyone, especially in the church. We are the Church, which is supposed to be loving, welcoming and empowering the laity. We are all children of God. We are here to proclaim the Good News to others. Jesus challenges us to re-live our faith in our lives.

Fr Ng said that the third way is Bridge-building, where we need to dialogue with others, especially inter religious-dialogue.

Speaking on the day’s theme, Be Disciples of Hope, he said that, despite all the challenges and problems, “Step out and be proud to be Catholics. Be missionary disciples. Go out and spread the Good News. Tell others that Jesus loves you. God is love. We are called to be missionaries.

“When you receive Holy Communion, Jesus comes into your heart. You are supposed to bring this Jesus to others. By our baptism, we all are called to be missionary disciples.”

Benediction was held in the Church after the procession. All present were feted to a dinner fellowship in Dewan John Hsiong as a conclusion to the celebration.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

Why there is no renewal of marriage vows

Answered by Legionary of Christ Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy and dean of theology at the Regina Apostolorum university Rome.

Q: In the Order of Celebrating Matrimony there is a “Blessing of a Married Couple within Mass on the Anniversary of Marriage.” That blessing invites the couple to renew their commitment quietly, but also allows for a public commitment, but does not allow for the renewal of the wedding vows themselves. Many couples ask for a renewal of vows — why is this not permitted? Why would that be any different than those in religious or monastic vows celebrating jubilees who often renew their vows? Why then would not wedding vows be allowed to be renewed? Likewise, in the Roman Missal there is a renewal of priestly promises at the Chrism Mass. — LP, Tampa, Florida

A: The Ordo Celebrandi Matrimonium, editio typica altera (1991), includes in Appendix III the: “Ordo benedictionis coniugum intra Missam, occasione data anniversarii Matrimonii adhibendus” (Rite of blessing the spouses during Mass on occasion of the anniversary of marriage). This appendix allows for a special remembrance of marriage to be held on the principal anniversaries of the celebration such as the 25th, 50th or 60th.

In this ritual, the universal Church has proposed a renewal of commitment to married life, though the terms “renewal of vows” is avoided.

Even before the publication of this universal rite, however, several bishops’ conferences had included in the Ritual for Marriage a rite for the renewal of marriage commitment for use on special anniversaries. It is probably possible to use these texts on other anniversaries, for good pastoral reasons. The Book of Blessings also provides texts that are suitable for other circumstances, such as retreats, especially geared for married couples.

All of these rites make a slight but significant distinction between the original vows and the renewal of the ongoing marriage commitment. There are also different moments for the renewal. In some countries the renewal on jubilee anniversaries is done after the homily; in others, it follows the Prayer after Communion.

In the United States the formula is slightly different from the original formula for the vows, in order to reflect a spiritual renewal.

In the Canadian Marriage Ritual, Appendix IX, “The Celebration of Wedding Anniversaries,” on the other hand, the term renewal of vows is used, and it is the priest’s introduction that explains the meaning and reasons for the renewal of the original formula. To wit:

“My dear N & N,

you have come here with your family and friends

to celebrate your faithfulness to each other

and to thank God for the years he has given you to live in mutual love.

Through the joys and sorrows, the triumphs and trials of life,

God has been with you.

“The Church shares your joy today

and is thankful to you

for being such a powerful sign of God’s loyal and faithful love for the world.

(*God has enriched and strengthened you over the years by the sacrament of marriage.)

In renewing your vows today, you give witness once again to God’s love.

“You have proven your devotion to each other by your life together.

Now join your right hands and renew your consent before God and his Church.”

The ritual then refers the priest back to the original wedding vows. The text of the vows remains unchanged.

One of the more recent texts, which basically follows that of the Roman Ritual, is that of the bishops of England and Wales. The whole rite can be found at:

“275. Then, in these or similar words, the Priest invites the couple to pray in silence and to renew before God their commitment to live their Marriage in holiness.

“N. and N., on the anniversary of that celebration at which you joined your lives in an unbreakable bond through the Sacrament of Matrimony, you now intend to renew before the Lord the promises you made to one another. Turn to the Lord in prayer, that these vows may be strengthened by divine grace.

“276. Then the couple renew their commitment quietly.

“277. If, however, the couple, taking circumstances into account, wish to renew their commitment publicly, the form provided here is used:

“The husband: Blessed are you, Lord, for by your goodness I took N. as my wife.

“The wife: Blessed are you, Lord, for by your goodness I took N. as my husband.

“Both: Blessed are you, Lord, for in the good and the bad times of our life you have stood lovingly by our side. Help us, we pray, to remain faithful in our love for one another, so that we may be true witnesses to the covenant you have made with humankind.

“The Priest:

“May the Lord keep you safe all the days of your life. May he be your comfort in adversity and your support in prosperity. May he fill your home with his blessings. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”

There follows the Blessing of Rings and the Universal Prayer or Prayer of the Faithful in the form usual at Mass, or prayer in common in the form provided in the rite. After the Our Father, the prayer Deliver us, is omitted. The Priest, facing the couple, with hands extended, says:

“We praise you, O God, we bless you, Creator of all things, who in the beginning made man and woman that they might form a communion of life and love. We also give you thanks for graciously blessing the family life of your servants N. and N., so that it might present an image of Christ’s union with the Church. Therefore look with kindness upon them today, and as you have sustained their communion amid joys and struggles, renew their Marriage covenant each day, increase their charity, and strengthen in them the bond of peace, so that (together with the circle of their children that surrounds them,) they may forever enjoy your blessing. Through Christ our Lord.

“All reply: Amen.”

The reason for these slight but significant changes is because in an essential way there is no such thing as the “renewal of the marriage vows.” The exchange of vows is seen as the sacramental form and is thus essentially unique for the same couple. Through their consent the spouses mutually give and accept each other through an irrevocable and perpetual covenant in order to establish marriage (see Canon 1057.2 of the Code of Canon Law and the Catechism, No. 1638).

It is precisely the strength of the indissoluble bond created by the celebration of marriage that makes the Church somewhat hesitant to permit a simple renewal of the marriage vows. One cannot renew a valid marriage in the sense of restart or resume.

However, the ongoing commitment of marriage may be celebrated, blessed and renewed in the sense of revitalised or reinvigorated.

It is true that Catholics annually renew their baptismal promises, priests their ordination commitments and many religious their vows.

But these promises, unlike the marriage vows, are complementary to the sacrament and do not constitute the sacramental form itself.

Thus, although we all renew our baptismal promises at the Easter Vigil and priests renew their promises on Holy Thursday, the actual baptismal or ordination formula is never repeated.

Likewise, religious profession is a sacramental and not a sacrament. But even in these cases religious who have the custom of making a devotional renewal of their profession of vows every year will sometimes make slight adjustments to the rites and formulas to underline the different situation.

For example, they may omit the reference to the superior receiving the vow, as technically, nobody needs to receive a devotional renewal of a profession that has already been publicly declared and received by the proper authority. In a similar manner, they may also all face in the same direction as, once more, all the religious, including the superior, is renewing his or her vows and nobody necessarily receives them. –


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu


Kuching youths prepare for Archdiocesan Youth Day 2019

KUCHING –  The Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Commission (KAYC), in collaboration with all the parishes and youth groups in the archdiocese, will be organising Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Day for three consecutive years. The theme will be taken from the World Youth Day 2019 in Panama, which has been announced by Pope Francis.

The themes constitute a journey of faith, love, and hope and, on this journey, the youths will be accompanied by the Virgin Mary, “for he has looked with favour on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed.” (Lk 1:48)

The first two themes (2017 and 2018) are meant to be celebrated at the parish level and the highlight for the Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Day will be in 2019.

This year, 31 Aug- 3 Sept 2017, with the theme taken from the Gospel of Luke, “For The Mighty One has done great things for me, and Holy is His name,” (Lk 1:49), about 500 youths from different areas in the archdiocese gathered at the Archdiocesan Curia and Cathedral Pastoral Centre (ACCPC) to deepen their faith and learn about the Blessed Mother.

The gathering ended with a Closing Mass presided by Archbishop Simon Poh. – kchadyouth


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

The rosary is a weapon – but maybe not the way Rupa Huq thinks

‘St Dominic Receives the Rosary,’  by Plautilla Nelli

Father Matthew Pittam is a priest of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham and currently serves as Parish Priest in a rural parish in the English Midlands. He is also a school chaplain and is passionate about ministry with young people. Fr Matthew is the author of Building the Kingdom in the Classroom, which details his experiences of ministry in schools. 

The rosary is immensely powerful, but it is God’s strength at work, not ours

Two weeks before Ealing Council voted to ban pro-life vigils, the local MP Rupa Huq accused the Good Counsel Network of “weaponising the rosary” as they prayed silently outside the local abortion clinic. It is interesting that this non-Catholic MP should have perceived that the rosary was being used in this way. For Catholics the rosary has indeed always been a spiritual weapon – and we should not be afraid to say so.

Many religious orders wear the rosary as part of their religious habit. For a number, such as the Dominicans since around 1475, the rosary is worn on the left hip because that was traditionally where soldiers wore their swords. The rosary is, for those religious who wear it, a protection and weapon against evil. As well as an aid to devotion, wearing a rosary in place of a sword is a powerful witness to the need for an awareness of spiritual warfare.

On October 3 the Church remembered Blessed Bartolo Longo, known as “the apostle of the rosary.”  He was born in Italy in 1841 but when he went to college he drifted away from the Catholicism of his childhood and came under the influence of the occult, later being “ordained” as a Satanist priest. He also developed a deep hatred of Catholicism and sought to draw Catholics into the life of the occult. Eventually he reached a point of despair and complete mental anguish, which led him to seek the help of a Catholic priest. The priest advised him to “promulgate the rosary” in order to seek salvation.

From being suicidal, Blessed Bartolo was transformed and became a great advocate of the holy rosary as a weapon in the fight against spiritual darkness. He would have commended actions like those taken by the Good Counsel Network.

When we pray the rosary we join a great spiritual chain with Our Lady and all those millions of others who pray each day. At the Annunciation Mary joined her will perfectly to the will of God. So when we say the rosary we join our will to hers, which is to seek the will of God in all things. It is in this very submission, in our weakness, where we find the strength of the weapon of the rosary.

It is in this personal vulnerability that the rosary differs so greatly from the weapons that we are so used to in our damaged world. Using a gun or swords (or even methods of abortion) means wielding our power over those who are more vulnerable than us. In wielding the rosary we make ourselves vulnerable, for the benefit of others, by submitting to the will of God through the Blessed Virgin Mary. Obviously, we do not consider it a weapon to do harm or to hurt another but by using the rosary in protest, we do as Jesus tells his disciples, “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16).

My favourite idea about the rosary is that it is ‘Scripture on a string’. It is here that the weapon finds its power. When Jesus was tempted by the Devil in Matthew’s Gospel, it was his use of Scripture which allowed him to fight and win the spiritual battle. St Paul goes on to instruct the Church in Ephesus to put on “the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.”  The rosary provides a good introduction to many of the events of the Gospels and is a good starting place to load our spiritual arsenal. For me,  it was certainly a springboard into greater immersion in the Word of God.

So in accusing the Good Counsel Network of weaponising the rosary, Rupa Huq unwittingly revealed its true purpose. If only more Catholics would return to this devotion and take up arms with Our Lady. – catholic herald, 20 Oct 2017



Catholic Sabah marks 60 years of existence in December

PENAMPANG – Come December, Catholic Sabah marks 60 years of existence.

Catholic Sabah, as the official newspaper of the three arch/dioceses in Sabah, shares in the mission of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ and His Gospel values by providing information, education and a forum for discussion. The Catholic Sabah provides objective and accurate current information about the Church, both worldwide and local, received through wire services, news magazines and local reports.

Brief History
Catholic Sabah was first published in the year 1957 as a parish bulletin for Penampang Mission. In 1971 the bulletin became an eight-page tabloid-sized, fortnightly edition in English and Kadazan.  Later, Bahasa Malaysia and Chinese pages were added.

The newspaper has gone through tremendous changes to be the product it is today. Over the years changes were made to the masthead, the number of pages, contents, and design.

It is currently published by the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu with a print-run of around 8,700 copies per issue.

The Catholic Sabah commands a readership of approximately 18,000 Catholics throughout the state.

Who reads Catholic Sabah
It is distributed/sold in all the Catholic churches in Sabah as well as a few parishes in West Malaysia. The paper features local parish news, Vatican news, news from the Catholic world, well-researched articles on contemporary religious issues and popular syndicated columns of Catholic interest.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu


“Tawau News” Tawau Holy Three days this year to become the host of the parish celebration of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the mountain song. On October 18th, at 9:30 am in the church held a trilogy of Thanksgiving Mass. Priests, nuns and students from different parishes, as well as up to more than 800 members of the church are wearing traditional racial clothing to participate in mass. The mass of the day was made by the bishop of the goddess of the mountain, the Archbishop of the Apostles of the Kota Kinabalu, the bishop of Cornelius Piong, and Cornelius Sim and Bishop Anthony Soter Fernandez. The memory of the mass is adopted by the brotherhood chapter 5: 10-17 and read by english and english. Then the priest read the gospel by Father Philip Muji. Bishop Reuters quoted the Gospel as saying, “If the crops are many and fewer workers, you should ask the masters of the crops to send them to harvest their crops.” He continues to say that we must be steadfast in our faith and remain faithful at all times, especially in the various groups of the church. He says that evangelization is not only the responsibility of the faithful, but the leaders of the church, such as bishops, priests and clergy, are committed to the service of sacrifice.

《斗湖讯》斗湖圣三天主堂今年成为主办堂区庆祝山打根教区成立10周年。1018日早上930分在圣堂举办一台三语的感恩弥撒。来自不同堂区的神父,修女,修生以及多达800多位的教友都穿上了传统种族的服装参与弥撒。当天的弥撒由山打根余廉主教主祭,亚庇教区总主教黄士交,根地咬教区Cornelius Piong主教以及邀请来的汶莱主教Cornelius Sim和枢机主教Anthony Soter Fernandez一同共祭。弥撒的读经一采用弟茂德后书410-17并由英语和华语宣读。接着由本堂Philip Muji神父宣读福音。余廉主教引用福音说道:『庄稼多而工人少,你们应当求庄稼的主人,派遣工人来收割他的庄稼』。他继续说我们必须坚定自己的信德并无时无刻保持热诚的态度为主侍奉,尤其是在教会的各个团体内。他说福传不仅是教友的责任,教会的领导人如主教,神父和圣职人员都要努力付出为主为人牺牲的服务精神。


最后,余廉主教在所有的神父见证之下,在教区牧灵计划书(Diocese Pastoral PlanDPP)上签名然后把它呈交给总主教,根地咬主教以及山打根教区个别堂区。



Article reproduced from Dicocese of Sandakan 
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