Category Archives: Sept 2017

SH parish HDC organises food carnival for migrant communities

A section of the Migrant Sunday Carnival, SHPC Basement Car Park KK, 17 Sept 2017.

KOTA KINABALU – The Sacred Heart Parish Human Development Committee (SHPHDC) organised a food carnival for the migrant communities here on 17 Sept 2017.

It was in conjunction with the parish celebration of Migrant Sunday.  However, the Mass will be celebrated on Oct 1 at 10:45 am.

Taking part in the 7 am – 2 pm carnival at the Sacred Heart Parish Centre Basement Carpark were members from the Filipino, Indonesian and Korean communities as well as from the Catholic Nurses Guild.

Among the activities were Bible Quiz for children and adults, messages for Archbishop Wong’s 7th episcopal anniversary (Oct 1), used clothing, handicrafts, and their national traditional food.

The day closed with a concert by the Nununkan community from 2 pm to 5 pm.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

KK Archdiocese marks 20th anniversary of Vision-Mission launching quietly

A screenshot of the video marking the 20th anniversary of the launching of the Archdiocesan Vision and Mission, 16 Sept 2017, SHC.

KOTA KINABALU – The Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu marked the 20th anniversary of the launching of its Vision and Mission quietly over the weekend of 16-17 Sept 2017.

A 9-minute video was produced by the Archdiocesan Social Communications Commission to commemorate the event for screening at the end of the weekend Masses.

The Vision and Mission chart the pastoral direction for the Local Church. This Vision and Mission are part of the Diocesan Organisational Pastoral Plan (DOPP) which was launched by Bishop John Lee at the Sacred Heart Cathedral on 16 Sept 1997.

The Vision speaks of the ideal Church the archdiocese wants to be – a caring communion of Christ-centred communities journeying together in faith, hope and love, empowered by the Holy Spirit in the evangelising mission of building the Kingdom of God.

The Mission (Archdiocesan Prayer recited on Sundays) speaks of the steps that the people must take to achieve the Vision:

  • an on-going personal and communal renewal;
  • a life of prayer nourished by the sacraments;
  • living the Word of God, guided by the teachings of the Church;
  • unity in communities, respecting the values of the other faiths;
  • responsible stewardship of the environment, as well as;
  • promotion of justice and peace.
Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

SH Divine Mercy Apostolate celebrates 10 years of ministry

KOTA KINABALU – The Sacred Heart Divine Mercy Apostolate celebrated 10 years of ministry at the Sacred Heart Cathedral here on 16 Sept 2017.

Msgr Primus Jouil, vicar general, celebrated the thanksgiving Mass.  He gave permission to the establishment of the apostolate when he was the pastor of the cathedral ten years ago.

Over 400 devotees including those from the nearby parishes turned up for the event.

After the Mass, all adjourned to the parish centre for a fellowship programme.

A video detailing the ministry’s growth, development and outreach programmes was screened with video messages from Father Ronnie Luni of Membakut, Father Nicholas Stephen of Ranau, and Father Thomas Ambuttukuzhiyil of Kerala.

After the video show, Henry Liew, coordinator of the DM Apostolate, briefed the devotees on its growth and development, from a group of seven to around 7000 members statewide today.

Tokens of appreciation were presented to several couples and individuals who have helped in spreading the message of the Divine Mercy.

Lunch was then served followed by a short programme of entertainment.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

KK cathedral parish celebrates Malaysia Day with Mass and flag-raising ceremony

KOTA KINABALU – Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish here celebrated 54th Malaysia Day with Mass and flag-raising ceremony on 16 Sept 2017.  Archbishop John Wong presided at the BM Mass, concelebrated with Father Max Hontor.  The Malaysian bishops’ message to “build bridges of peace, unity, and harmony between people of all races and religions” was read out in BM by Fr Hontor in lieu of the homily.  After Mass, all adjourned outside for the flag-raising ceremony.  The national flag was raised when the national anthem (Negaraku) was sung followed by the raising of the state and parish flags simultaneously when the Sabah Tanah Airku (state anthem) was sung.


Article reproduced from Catholic Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Celebrating the Feast of St Augustine in Titi

The Triduum feast of St Augustine of Hippo was celebrated August 25-27 at the 112 year-old parish of the Chapel of St Augustine in Negeri Sembilan.

The feast culminated on August 27 with Fr Lawrence Ng CDD from Petaling Jaya presiding at the evening Mass. Fr George Harrison, parish administrator and Fr Andrew Kooi, assistant parish priest of the Church of the Visitation concelebrated. The church was packed with local parishioners who are mostly Hakka Catholics and visitors from Seremban and elsewhere.

Fr Ng proclaimed the Gospel (Matthew 16: 13-20) and preached the homily in Mandarin. “Who do you say I am?” was the question Jesus posed to His disciples. Fr Ng said that whatever the people said about Jesus is not important. What matters most is knowing Jesus personally.

We need to go deeper to know who Jesus really is to us. Fr Ng also said that the Church is not just a building, it is the people who are the Church, the Body of Christ. If a church is empty with no people in it, then there is no Church.

Fr Ng mentioned that we all must serve in the Church and not let the same people do everything. He gave an example of the lady who did the chanting of the psalms. People’s attitude is, if someone is good at something, he/she will be doing it all the time.

The chapel of St Augustine was built by Xiao Guan Jie, a devoted Catholic, in 1905. He built the chapel with a belfry which has become a landmark in this rural town of Titi. He was a visionary and an enterprising local Chinese community leader in the late 19th century. He also setup an Old Folks’ Home and a Chinese Primary School, now defunct.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

St Anthony’s parish organises Marian pilgrimage

Two hundred and twentyone pilgrims from the Parish of St Anthony (including parish priest Fr Francis Xavier Selvarajoo, 15 pilgrims from Silibin, Ipoh, 1 pilgrim from Penang and 5 bus drivers) made a pilgrimage to the Church of Our Lady of Fatima in Kangar in conjunction with the Fatima Centennial.

The pilgrims began their Journey of Faith at 6.00am on August 26. Then they had an hour of Power at the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Silibin, Ipoh. They stayed one night in Sungai Petani.

There were five churches and chapels where the pilgrims focused on the milestones in Mary’s Life:

1. Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Silibin, Ipoh – Focus : Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary

2. Church of the Holy Name of Mary,Permatang Tinggi, Seberang Perai – Focus : Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

3. Chapel of the Immaculate Conception, Sungai Batu, Kedah – Focus : Wedding Feast at Cana

4. Church of Christ the King, Sungai Petani, Kedah – Focus : Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

5. Mass at the Church of Our Lady of Fatima – Focus : Our Lady of Fatima.

According to parishioners of the Immaculate Conception Chapel, four miracles had taken place: three were cured from leukemia and one from cancer. If anyone wants to know more about the miracles, go to the chapel’s homepage.

The climax of the pilgrimage was the Mass at Kangar at 12.00noon on Sunday August 27. During the testimony after the Mass, many pilgrims shared on the miracles they experienced.

After Mass, they went to Padang Besar, the border of Thailand, for sightseeing and shopping.

The parish will be organising a pilgrimage to the Church of Our Lady of Fatima of the Holy Rosary in Kota Baru, Kelantan from Monday October 23 to Wednesday October 25.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

Fr Nelson Chitty celebrates his Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee

The community of City Parish celebrated the 25th Sacerdotal Anniversary of parish priest, Fr Nelson Chitty in a simple yet meaningful manner.

Fr Nelson was ordained to the priesthood at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Penang in 1992, and has been the parish priest of City Parish, Penang since June 2014.

More than 300 parishioners attended the Silver Jubilee thanksgiving Mass held at the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows on August 31.

Fr Nelson celebrated the Mass, and concelebrating with him were assistant parish priest, Fr Maiccal Sinnappan, Fr Joachim Robert and Fr Francis Anthony.

In his homily, Fr Nelson reflected on the 25 years of his journey in the priesthood. He remembers fondly his first posting to the Church of St. Michael in Alor Setar, Kedah..

“Sometimes, we may feel that God is not there for us but, so long as we continue searching for Him and follow Jesus, we will surely enjoy the company of God,” he said, while highlighting the comfort he finds in God through his struggles.

Fr Nelson said what touched him as a young priest back then was the brotherhood of priests, as he always looked forward to the monthly recollections when senior priests would welcome and encourage the younger priests.

He also read out a list of the names of deceased priests who have helped him greatly in his vocation, and offered the Mass for them.

“I am privileged to be able to serve Christ, for the priesthood is not about me. It is the priesthood of Jesus Christ that we celebrate today,” Fr Nelson said. Parish pastoral council chairman, John Dass congratulated Fr Nelson on behalf of the parish, and thanked him for his humble and faithful service to the people of God.

He also called on parishioners to continue to pray and support all the priests, and to also pray for the country in conjunction with National Day. After Mass, Fr Nelson cut his Silver Jubilee cake. Then the crowd adjourned for breakfast fellowship at the hall.


Article reproduced from Herald Malaysia online

“ 看, 你的母亲, 以玛利亚为典范与基督完美的结合!”

In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Coordinating Committee (“Association of China”), the Sanctuary of the Sacred Heart of the Sacred Heart of the Sacred Heart of the Church of St. Mary’s Cathedral was held from September 1 to 30, 2017. 3 days a night of lecture. This lecture was specially invited to the Luo Nanyi brothers from the Kota Kinabalu for our speaker, the theme of “look, your mother, with Mary as a model and the perfect combination of Christ!” In addition to most of the members of the Virgin Army and auxiliary members, the other members of the Association under the Association are enthusiastically enrolled, attended the church about sixty people.

为配合山打根圣玛莉主教座堂华文协调委员会(简称“华协”)成立的30周年庆祝,山打根福传之星华文圣母区团於2017年9月1 日至3 日主辨了3天1夜的讲座会。此讲座特地邀请到来自亚庇教区的罗楠毅兄弟为我们主讲,主题为“ 看, 你的母亲, 以玛利亚为典范与基督完美的结合!” 。除了大部分的圣母军工作团员及辅助团员外,其它华协属下的各小组成员都踊跃的报名参加,出席的教友大约有六十多人。

在讲座中, 罗兄弟以轻松的方式讲解,通过圣经章节及他所收集的详细资料,让大家更了解圣母在教会和耶稣救世工程的重要角色, 借着圣母在教会所担任的重要角色,以及她的信德与行为都可以成为我们现在的模范。

罗兄弟也分享了圣母在教会的四端信理 :

1) 天主之母 – 真福玛利亚是天主和耶稣基督的母亲。

2) 终身童贞 – 根据教会和传统的神学解释玛利亚终身童贞的道理包含三个层面就在产前、产时及产后的童贞。

3) 无染原罪 – 我们相信她未曾染上原罪的任何污点,并因圣宠的特恩, 她远远高出所有的创造物。

4) 圣母升天 – 她在结朿了世上的生命后灵魂和肉身被提升天,获享永远的光荣。

圣经里记载, 圣母是天主在旧约早已经特别检选的, 她把圣子带到世上为我们世人赎罪,让我们与天主和好,圣母是耶稣在世上最亲近的亲人,她把一切天主的安排都默默存放在心中,完全地谦卑接受与服从。






Article reproduced from Diiocese of Sandakan




The long-awaited “The joy of love” – ​​The family love session was finally held from August 18 to 20, 2017 Successful fake St. Mary’s Basilica activities center and pilgrimage center, attended Chinese people about 100 people. The association of the Holy Spirit with the prayer is honored to invite from the A soft area of ​​Wang Chunxin priest for our speaker.


(山打根訊期待已久的爱的喜乐”- 论家庭之爱讲习会终于2017818日至20日成功假圣玛莉主教座堂堂区活动中心及朝拜中心举行,参加的华人教友约100人。华协属下圣神同祷会很荣幸邀请到来自甲柔区的王春新神父为我们主讲。

第二天,王神父以《爱的喜乐》从家庭开始…… 掀开序幕。他举例许多圣言,让教友从圣言看家庭。子女不是家庭的产业,他们有自己的人生孩子不是夫妇之爱的外在附加品,而是从夫妇彼此交付的核心而来的结晶与实现这两句话深深地烙印在教友们的心中。在小组讨论的环节,教友们都踊跃的参与,并积极提出意见。电影观赏环节则获得教友们的喜爱,因为电影的内容让在场的教友感触万分 ,并自我反省。晚上的朝拜圣体仪式,让教友们获得天主满满的祝福与喜乐。










Article reproduced from Diiocese of Sandakan



MELALAP,TENOM – Pada 20hb Ogos 2017 yang lalu, Komuniti Umat Katolik (KUK) Santa Maria Di Angkat Ke Syurga Melalap telah meraihkan Kesyukuran 5 perayaan sekaligus iaitu Perayaan Ulangtahun Keuskupan ke 24, Pesta Kaamatan, Pesta Penaung Gereja, Ulangtahun Penubuhan Komuniti Kristian Dasar (KKD) ke 19 Dan Hari Bapa peringkat KUK Santa Maria Di Angkat Ke Syurga. Dimeriahkan lagi umat dari KUK St. Paul Pagansangon Melalap. Seramai hampir 400 orang umat yang hadir memeriahkan perayaan ini.

Objektif perayaan ini adalah untuk membawa umat agar semakin mahu bersyukur atas penyertaan Tuhan di dalam kehidupan mengereja serta membawa kesedaran betapa pentingnya untuk berjalan bersama di dalam mencapai misi dan visi keuskupan juga untuk menyahut seruan keuskupan pada tahun  ini dengan Tema Keluarga “Ibu Bapa dan Warga Emas.”perasmian

Pelbagai aktiviti telah diadakan sebagai pengisian program sebelum perayaan. Antara aktiviti yang dilaksanakan adalah Pertandingan Menjawab Soalan Kuiz Dari Injil Matius, Pertandingan Membaca Petikan Alkitab  dan Pertandingan Mendaraskan Mazmur. Pertandingan ini merupakan anjuran Komiti Alkitab dan Komiti Katekatikal. Pertandingan Sukan Rakyat juga dilaksanakan yang dikendalikan oleh Kerasulan Belia Katolik (KBK). Objektif pelaksanaan pertandingan-pertandingan ini adalah untuk menyemarakkan lagi semangat solidariti di antara sesama umat.


Perayaan 5 dalam 1 ini dimulakan dengan Misa Kudus yang disempurnakan oleh Rev Fr. David Mamat. “Di mana ada kesatuan di situlah Tuhan hadir, namun sebaliknya, sekiranya ada perpecahan di situlah iblis hadir” demikianlah homili yang disampaikan beliau. Penekanan kesatuan di dalam homilinya bersesuaian dengan tema perayaan iaitu “Umat Allah Berjalan Bersama Dengan Kristus”.

PembaharuaN komitmen para lektor juga diadakan pada hari tersebut, seramai 51 orang yang mewakili setiap KKD dan KUK St. Paul Pagansangon telah memperbaharui komitmen mereka.


Selepas Misa Kudus acara diteruskan di Dewan Terbuka dimulai dengan ‘Tarian Sambut Tamu’ oleh Kumpulan Penari Kebudayaan KBK dan pelbagai aktiviti lain daripada setiap KKD.


Article reproduced from Diiocese of Keningau
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